Weekly Cleaning Checklist Free Printable
With our free weekly cleaning schedule printables, you can easily get ahead of cleaning tasks and chores by planning them out in a simple way! Whether you’re looking for a free printable weekly cleaning checklist that’s blank or a pre-populated weekly schedule, there is a cleaning checklist for every style. These easy-to-use cleaning checklist templates break down chores into manageable sections by day or category, so you can maintain a tidy home without getting overwhelmed.
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How to Use a Weekly Cleaning Schedule

Here are a few more tips for effectively using a weekly cleaning plan:
Work With Your Schedule: We have provided both pre filled and blank cleaning template printables, but the best one for you will be the one that fits into your life. Look at your schedule and determine how you’d like to approach a weekly cleaning plan and select the style that is the best for you. We also offer the ability to edit these, so if you want to use a prefilled one, but change it slightly, you can do that in Canva. If you have an idea for a free weekly cleaning checklist that you want to make, just let us know!
Give Yourself Flexibility: While these cleaning templates are designed to guide your tidying schedule, you can mix them up, miss a day or not complete things. It’s ok! Any items you can check off are great, so if you’re sick or busy don’t give up! Do your best and adjust the schedule to make it manageable or try again next week.
Prioritize: Think about your house and lifestyle and prioritize the areas that need the most work or bother you the most. For example, if you have 3 bathrooms and one never gets used, maybe it doesn’t need a deep clean every week. Focus on the high-traffic, highly-visible areas, while maintaining a basic cleaning routine in the less-used parts of the house. These weekly cleaning templates are editable and you can set them up to work specifically for your house.
Short On Time? Go For The Low Hanging Fruit: In our house, the entryway gets messy quickly, but it’s a fast 5 minute clean to make a big difference. If we are short on time, this is a great place to tackle and it makes a great first impression. Same thing with our kitchen island. Once that’s clean and wiped down, the whole kitchen instantly looks better. You can use these free weekly cleaning checklists to your advantage by listing out these areas for times when a quick-cleaning is all you can do.
Make it a Group Effort: If you’re looking to involve the family, roommates, coworkers or other group, we have weekly cleaning checklists for groups too! These are set up in a very basic cleaning checklist form with space to assign a name to each task. If you’re looking for more options for chore charts or trackers for groups (or individuals) we have those here in our free printable chore charts post or free printable commission-based chore charts. For any of these, we cannot stress enough to make sure tasks are safe and appropriate for different ages.
Stock Up With The Right Tools: Having the right cleaning supplies on hand with absolutely help make the job easier! A few of our favorite cleaning supplies include this window squeegee and wiper, this broom/dustpan combo with a built-in scraper and comb, the Dyson vacuum for home and a handheld vacuum for the car. We also like a big pack of microfiber cloths and magic erasers for those tricky spots. And, finally, big bins for storage are always helpful to declutter (like these types of bins for storage), and we like these pretty bins for storing things around the home.
Less Clutter, More Clean (and happier?: You’ll see the terms “declutter “and “tidy up” alot on our prefilled weekly cleaning checklists and that’s because less clutter will make a world of difference in a quick cleaning routine. In general, removing clutter will help you on your goal of having a cleaner house, but less clutter has also been shown to have health benefits. We encourage you to stay on top of decluttering by donating frequently, create storage solutions, utilize digital storage (carefully) to eliminate paperwork, host regular yard sales, sort mail as it comes in, and throw away broken, worn, unusable items.
How to Edit a Free Weekly Cleaning Schedule
We have two options for our free weekly cleaning checklist printables! The first is to use a blank one exactly as is or the second is to use one of ours that is prefilled. Either of these can be downloaded directly from this post. And, if you’d like to add or edit cleaning tasks you can do so using this template in Canva. However you choose to use these weekly cleaning checklists, please follow our terms, including no resale or reproduction, personal use only. Contact us if you have any questions.
Download Free Weekly Cleaning Checklists:

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