Free Chore Chart Printables and Allowance Trackers For All Ages

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Managing daily and weekly tasks is an important part of growing and becoming independent. We like using chore charts and allowance tracker printables because they both keep us accountable, teach life skills and can be a fun way to reward positive actions. Knowing that all kids (and adults- yes you can use these too) are different and we’ve designed several free printable allowance chore charts, chore trackers and more for many different age groups and learning styles.
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Don’t forget that the goal of a chore chart is to encourage something positive. If these free printable chore charts feel negative or frustrating, redirect and try new ideas to find something that works. For some families, the simpler the better… focus on one thing for a designated period of time.
Before we get too far into chore charts and allowance trackers… a disclaimer to say we are not parenting experts or doctors. This is simply educational content featuring a set of free chart printables with some ideas on chore chart tips. Please be careful and conscious when selecting chores to select things that are safe, age appropriate and not overwhelming or too much work. We recommend you speak to a pediatrician or family doctor to select age appropriate, safe chores or responsibilities.
How Do I Use A Chore Chart?
To use these free chore chart printables, first have a discussion with your kids about why you are using a chore chart and allowance tracker. Clearly explain the goals you are looking to achieve by using a chart. Be specific in your expectations on tasks, timing and don’t forget to pick a fun reward. Much of this planning can be done with your child collaboratively.
Feel free to laminate these charts (we like these self-adhesive laminating sheets that do not require a machine) and use with thin dry erase markers or print these free chore chart printables and use as you go. We also have free editable printable chore charts if you want to add a name or type in chores!
What Are Good Chores For a Chore Chart?
Good chores for a chore chart are manageable and age appropriate. Make sure the tasks are specific and have a clear start and finish. For example, “feed the dog dinner” is more achievable than something ambiguous, such as “take care of the dog”. We recommend you speak to a professional or doctor if you are looking for ideas of appropriate and safe chores.
How do I make sure my children do their responsibilities? If the chore chart isn’t working, make an adjustment. Timing is important. If your family is always rushing in the morning you may want to select chores that can be done later in the day. This gives kids a better shot at success and will not add stress to the morning. Also, make sure you’re not asking too much. Be flexible and be kind. These free printable chore charts are supposed to be fun and positive, if it’s not, make changes. Start small. Even 1 chore a day makes a huge difference in setting expectations and habits. These free printable chore charts do not need to be fully filled out. Do what works for you.
How To Pick A Chore Chart:
Pick a free printable allowance chore chart by selecting one of our chore chart printables or a responsibility tracker that matches what you’re trying to achieve. For some families, short is a good way to start. For that, something like the gumball chore chart is great as it’s 7 gumballs = 1 week just focus on one task, habit or behavior. Or if you’re looking to improve the morning routine, try the school day or workday checklist. Want to customize? Try our free editable printable chore charts! Don’t forget, for any of these free printable chore charts, you do not have to fill out every line and feel free to comment below if you would like to see a new chart or changes made to any of these.
What are good rewards for a chore chart?
Good rewards for a chore chart can range from money to treats or activities. With the free printable allowance chore chart often it’s money, but other concepts work well too! Screen time as an allowance is a popular reward as well a treat such as an ice cream. Maybe it’s traveling to a new playground, a new art project (DIY is always good!), a craft kit, a family movie night (child picks the movie!) or a sleepover. Pick a chore chart reward that’s fun, age appropriate and will be motivating and feel free to switch it up! When you use our pay per chore charts you can divide these rewards into amounts. For example, if you’re using screen time as a reward in a “pay per chore” system, you may give 10 minutes of screen time every time they take out the trash… add it up for the week based upon how many times it was done!
Free Editable Printable Chore Charts
You asked and we delivered… editable chore chart printables FREE! We have now designed some of our free chore trackers to be editable chore charts by using our templates in Canva! A selection our free editable printable chore charts can be customized to add chores/responsibilities, rewards, names and more by using this Canva link. Let us know if you have issues with these free editable printable chore charts or if you see a free chore chart printable on here that you’d like to edit and it isn’t on our list of free editable chore charts, just contact us and we can add it!
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Download Free Chore Chart Printables:
We have several free printable allowance chore charts to chose from! Just click the image, download and print!
Free Printable Chore Chart Bubble Gum Machine and Marble Jar Style
Our bubble gum machine style/ marble jar responsibility trackers are free PDFs that are instant downloads. They are similar to the concept of a physical marble jar that you would fill to demonstrate accomplishing a goal. The jar concept is designed to have fun while encouraging positive behavior and completion of tasks! They are engaging too as progress in completing the chart can be easily seen. Kids (or grown-ups) color in a gum ball or marble each time a set goal is accomplished (good behavior, a chore, or responsibility is demonstrated). Perfect for use at home with families, a daycare or for a teacher to use in class. This tracker helps motivate kids in an interactive way. Choose between three versions: one with 7 gum balls for quicker goals (possibly designed for a week), a larger option of gum balls or coloring marbles for more long-term achievements. It’s a sweet way and interactive printable responsibility chart to keep kids motivated!

Free Bubble Gum Machine Coloring Chart – More Spots to Fill In!

Free Chore Chart Printables: The Family Chore Chart
Our family chore chart printable is a free instant download PDF. It is set up to help keep your household organized for one full week of tasks. It has a bright and colorful design and includes space for the date at the top. It then has separate sections for up to four family members. Each designated area allows you to list up to four chores, tasks, or responsibilities, complete with checkboxes for every day of the week. There’s even a reward spot at the bottom for extra motivation if desired. It’s a clean and modern family chore chart (free printable)!

Free Cleaning Checklist Templates- Printable PDF
Quick break to let you now we also have a different post filled with free printable cleaning planners, cleaning checklists and cleaning schedule templates.

Free Chore Chart for Roommates, CoWorkers or More- Printable PDF
Our free printable responsibility chart is perfect for coordinating weekly tasks for four people—whether it’s roommates, coworkers, family members, or a team. This clean and minimalistic design includes space for the date and sections to assign up to four responsibilities per person, with checkboxes for each day of the week. There’s even a reward section at the bottom to make it a bit more fun! Whether it’s a chore chart for roommates or a workplace task tracker, this is an easy, free and practical chart to keep everyone accountable for responsibilities!

Free Schoolday Checklist Printable Chart + Workday Checklist Too
Looking to streamline and organize a Monday-Friday school week or work week? This free printable school day checklist is colorful and includes sections for before school or work after and evening tasks. These have checkboxes for each weekday, designed for easy daily organization. In addition, there is a place to fill in a weekly goal! Keep it simple by breaking things down into easy and manageable tasks!

Free Chore Chart PDF Simple Design With Space For Other Responsibilities
This colorful and interactive chore chart design is a free pdf printable and one of PurelyPrintables most popular free printable chore charts. The layout is completely simple and clean. It includes a daily chores section for a list of everyday tasks, an “Other Responsibilities Section” that has more space to list items that may be unrelated or not daily tasks. Use as much or as little as you’d like for as many people if you’d like to attach names to different areas.

Free Printable Weekly Responsibility Charts
Free printable responsibility charts from PurelyPrintables.com works for kids, families, roommates, teammates, coworkers or anyone who needs to work together. In several different designs. these have sections to list responsibilities and you can also put the person’s name there if you’re using for a group. There’s also a checklist for tracking days completed along with a reward section if that is applicable.

Free Allowance Tracker (Commission System For Kids) Printable
What is an allowance tracker?
An allowance tracker is a little different than a chore chart in that kids only earn their reward for what is done. The concept is similar to Dave Ramsey’s Kids Commission System they get paid an allowance or commission for only what they do.
So, for example, if it’s money, they get paid per chore (example 25 cents to make a bed they’d get paid 7x 25 cents = $1.75 if they do it 7 days, $1.50 if they do it 6 days etc). If they don’t do it, they don’t get paid and they can watch how things progress throughout the week on these free allowance tracker printables. Some families prefer this method as there is no nagging and kids tend to get more of a real world experience of earning money or other rewards. We also have a full post dedicated to FREE allowance trackers here.

Purely Printables Has Tons of FREE Printables!
We hope you liked our collection of free chore chart printables! Leave a comment below to tell us how you used these fun printables or tag #PurelyPrintables on social to show us some love! Don’t forget to save our printables to Pinterest (join us on Pinterest here), or we would love to hang out with you on Facebook too!
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